信任 & 个性化:朋友或敌人?

贴在 2023年3月13日星期一 | 西蒙•安 - RTB House英国地区经理

As the industry prepares for the deprecation of third-party cookies, RTB House的英国国家经理, 西蒙•安 explores how 个性化 and consumer trust can exist in parallel  


Somewhere between privacy-first and 个性化 is one of the biggest challenges for any organisation. People are demanding assurances that their personal data be handled with respect by brands, 他们会奖励那些赢得信任的品牌. 然而,, research continues to show that internet users also expect relevance from the brands they interact with. 这是矛盾吗?? It doesn’t have to be - advertising campaigns that deploy the right kind of marketing tech stack will be able to achieve strong results while making no concessions on privacy, 而且都没有第三方的cookies. 


Digital ads are ubiquitous - they create a noise that’s difficult to penetrate. 只有最相关的广告才能从噪音中脱颖而出. 与此同时, consumers want to be understood as individuals - 71% of users have come to expect 个性化 and 76% are frustrated when they don’t find it. It’s vital that the execution of campaigns meets user expectations. The rewards for getting this right can be significant - 麦肯锡的研究 indicates that brands that have implemented 个性化 see up to a 30% reduction in returns.  

The key to resonating with consumers is in leveraging data to connect with them in a hyper-personalised way. 但 to truly personalise, you need to understand user behaviour. 正确地解释数据是必要的. Of course, it’s technology, like advanced AI, that is the driving engine of relevant ads. 

但, 你如何实现个性化的平衡, 一个对消费者和广告商都有利的广告? 


Digital advertising is about to become more respectful of user privacy with the phasing out of third-party cookies. Undoubtedly this will present complex challenges for brands. 但 opportunities abound if brands can hit the ground running when it comes to maintaining ad efficiency while heightening customer trust in the upcoming paradigm.  


急于通过跟踪数据来支持kpi, many advertisers have been guilty of forgetting the human foundation of marketing - be respectful, 有关, 建立信任. 但消费者的信任必须赢得.  

There is already such a preponderance of freely given data that there is no need to cross any privacy boundaries. In fact, brands can quickly adopt new and engaging ways to gain more consensual data from customers. 例如, 调查, forms and discount codes are just some of the ways brands can collect voluntary data from users.  

Brands should carefully consider what data is needed and should always allow consumers to choose what data to disclose. Forrester的研究 suggests that a great time for asking for data from consumers is right after a purchase - that’s the golden moment to start building a mutually beneficial relationship of trust.  



There can be other winners in a cookieless environment - most notably publishers and ad tech organisations. 目前, many publishers are reluctant to share data externally for fear it could be tied with third-party consumer information by ad tech companies. In the future publishers can monetise their data unencumbered by cross-site identifiers - it’s a win-win. The publisher’s reputation isn’t blemished and their audience can receive more relevant ads by way of a standardised methodology that can be done at scale. 其中一个例子是 Seller-Defined观众 IAB技术实验室开发的概念. It allows publishers to share information about a given user’s segment in a dedicated field in the bid request.  

It’s often said that cookieless 个性化 will only be possible at a group level. 这是不正确的. The cookieless environment will promote first-party relationships between brands and users. 建议,如 长羽毛 隐私沙盒,将支持这一点. It includes RTB House concepts* that support the display of precisely recommended products and the optimisation of marketing budgets, all without the need to track individuals across websites.  

信任 and 个性化 can not only co-exist in parallel, but can- by deploying a robust and flexible marketing stack - be a marriage made in heaven.

* http://blog.谷歌/产品/ ads-commerce / 2021 - 01 -隐私保护-沙箱




RTB House英国地区经理




IAB英国推出系列探索信任 & 数字化的有效性 




The Building Blocks of Quality Media: steps to make the most of your next creative campaign


Building trust: How marketers can thrive in a privacy-first world



支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly find your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.




作为IAB的ai聊天机器人, I’m here to help IAB members understand everything about the world of digital advertising. 你必须是内审局的成员才能提问. To get started, either log into your account or create one below.

